Education Is Incompatible With The Job

By   December 25, 2019

There is frustration among young people, that’s right. There is anxiety among the elders too. There are various problems in the social, political field. However, economic development is different. Inequality is on the rise with economic development. Corruption is on the rise, it is a matter of concern. Nowhere is discipline, justice working. The number of people leaving is low. The information was revealed in an article published on Monday (December 23) in the Prothom-alo magazine.Education Is Incompatible With The Job

The article also reveals that seeing the story of improvement for one person makes the eyes wander. But with the increase in wealth, the disparity in wealth distribution has also increased. Social degradation is universal. Social leadership is not strong. There is some kind of power in the political leadership, and there is no other power. Economic prosperity has also become a problem. There are questions about economic inequality, no answers.

The education system of the country has weakened due to various reasons. The quality of education is not good at all levels, there is nothing to deny it. But some teachers, some departments did well. Not all departments of Dhaka University are the same. But overall education

situation is not good.

Education is incompatible with the job market. As a result, graduates are not being created like market demand. Those who come out with a degree are not made like the job market. For the bank, the kind of guy who needs to run a garment factory is not a graduate. Even though there is a demand for a doctor, a quality doctor is not being created. The curriculum does not match the needs of the manpower. The whole thing lacks planning.

Young people are turning to government jobs. But it is taking a long time to fill those positions in government service. It is also creating frustration. Students are going abroad after studying in engineering universities for money in the country. For those who are ordinary college students, there are many things going on in the field of employment. In order to get a job, one has to be a native person, one has to be a relative.

Many education programs were organized. The government doesn’t even open it. People have no interest in this. Some kind of apathy is working on the issue of education policy. There is nothing to disagree with on the issues that the youth as a whole are concerned about.

Professor Nazrul Islam: Former Chairman of the University Grants Commission.

চাকরির নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি এবং পাশাপাশি সকল চাকরির প্রস্তুতি প্রকাশ করা হয়। এছাড়া দিনের ব্রেকিং নিউজ সবার আগে পেতে আমাদের সাথে যুক্ত থাকুন:


সরকারি এবং বেসরকারি চাকুরির নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি পেতে
