Internet Is Becoming A Competitor To Television

By   December 26, 2019

The number of young people who retire to talk with family members is increasing. However, the amount of time you give to the family has decreased on average. Of course, television is still his most preferred choice for retirement. Although, the tendency is slowing down a bit. Internet Is Becoming A Competitor To Television

There is a tendency to spend time on the Internet. The Internet is now becoming a rival to television as a means of retirement. This information was released in a report on Wednesday, December 25, in the Daily First Light.

A survey conducted by the professional survey firm ORG-Quest, to find out about the country’s youth, found that images of young people retiring. The survey was conducted by 1200 people who are 15-30 year olds.

The survey was first published two years ago. Compared with that survey of 2017, this time there are some changes in the young people’s retirement world. For example, they now sleep a little less than before. Reading books and news papers is slower than ever.

Television is the first choice but tends to decrease:

Young people spend many days at leisure, with jobs, on the job, or on vacations. Sometimes spend time in creative work, sometimes in entertainment. For example, according to a survey of 2017, 80.6 percent of retirees said they would watch television. Over the two years, television viewing rates have dropped slightly. This time, 78.2 percent mentioned television. However, in the era of freelance information, no country has ever seen television programs, no such specific question was asked in the survey.

They have also reduced their time watching television. Earlier on the day, they said they would watch TV for an hour and a half on average. Now it stands at a bell. Some of their favorite shows include plays, news, movies and songs. Of these, drama and news have been popular in almost half of the youth. Although the popularity of the two, especially the popularity of the news has declined a lot. In comparison, watching movies, listening to music has increased somewhat.

Although television is the most preferred, it is decreasing than ever. The trend of spending time on the internet has increased.

Asked about this, playwright and actor Ramendu Majumder told First Light, “The quality of television shows has not increased. Because of this, their interest in television may be declining. However, the reason for the decline in the popularity of the news is not clear. Maybe they can see the news less because of their politicization. ‘

As long as stories and the Internet:

However, young people do not spend their retirement on television. Have a great time with family and friends, sharing stories and chatting and on the Internet. According to the survey analysis of 2017, 43 percent of the respondents said that the second choice for retirement was to spend time with family. This time, more than 60 percent of the families said to have a conversation with the family. That is, the tendency for them to retire with family is increasing now. Watching television and storytelling — the gap between these two choices has also decreased. Previously, the difference between these two choices was 37.6 percent. This time it has decreased to 17.5 percent.

Again, the number of girls who spend time with family is more than men. And between the ages of 25 and 30, the tendency is to spend time with family. Even though the number of stories or conversations with family has increased, the average of their time has decreased slightly. Where before they used to spend more than an hour a day on average, now they spend about 15 minutes less.

According to the survey data, young people are now spending most of their time on the Internet or social media. They spend an average of 87minutes or about an hour every day on the Internet. In 201u it was 80 minutes. This trend is more prevalent among urban and higher educated youth. These two classes spend an average of over 100 minutes every day on the Internet.

The survey also found that the internet is the most popular among urban youths. The Internet is now a source of instant news to them. It is also a means of communicating with family and friends abroad. The Internet has also provided the opportunity to watch news, listen to music and watch television. Again, the Internet is being used to find information quickly and quickly.

Although the Internet and social media are their third choices, the tendency towards it has grown significantly compared to other media. The Internet has emerged as a major competitor to top television. In 2017, 41.6 percent of them said that they would like to retire on the Internet or social media. Now it has risen to 53.4 percent.

But most young people agree that the younger generation now spends too much time on the Internet or social media. Which also has a negative impact. For this, they are suppressing the influence of western culture in the country, frustration, increasing cyber crime, fraud, rape, drug addiction and the tendency to spread false news. Again, social media is also a barrier to their career. The Internet or social media has a negative impact on young people younger than the elderly. Those who understand the good and bad aspects of Internet access are the beneficiaries of this medium.

Asked about this, information technology expert Suman Ahmed told First Light, that the internet usage is increasing rapidly. As a result, there is no doubt that the Internet will soon take the first place as a source of entertainment or news. But at the same time, he said that the Internet or social media needs to be careful about addiction. He said that if they used the internet for more than two hours a day, it was a cause for concern. He said that the whole world of the internet needs to be understood and understood. In this case, sociologists can tell what the teachers or guardians should do.

Newspapers, sleep and play:

Sleeping in retirement is the fifth choice for young people. In the survey, 39 percent of them said that they were retiring. Of course, sleeping habits are the second in the list of favorites. On retirement, they say they spend about an hour and a half sleeping on average. According to last survey, they slept an average of 69 minutes a day. Girls (27.4 percent) are more likely to be sleeping than boys (50.5 percent).

24.4 percent of them said in 2017, they retired. In 2019 year, it increased to 28.2 percent. However, time spent in the sport has been less than before. Earlier, they used to spend an average of 80 minutes a day, now it is reduced to 62 minutes.

Survey analysis shows that the tendency to retire from reading newspapers and books (outside of textbooks) is lower than ever. In the 2017, three of the 10 said they read newspapers and books in retirement. This time around in the survey, about two of them responded to the practice. Earlier, they used to spend an average of 34 minutes a day in newspapers, now it has reduced to 29 minutes.

However, the importance of printed newspapers and online news portals as a source of information has increased. The largest online news portal. Earlier, only 9 percent of them said that the source of information was online news portal; This time it has risen to 28.5 percent.

Asked about the retirement of the youths, Geiti Ara Nasrin, a professor of mass communication and journalism at Dhaka University, told First Light that they spend more time on social media and the Internet to spend time, which is not very different from the global picture. Mass communication and interpersonal communication are not always interdependent. Watching television with everyone can be a complement to spending time with family; Likewise, sharing pictures or sharing stories with family and friends through social media can be attractive.

Citing the information of the youth, Geiti Ara Nasrin said the news was a great expectation for all the media. Want to stay data-smart. Want to get that information fast. So, helping them to overcome the problems they are identifying, such as getting accurate information or getting negative information through various means, that is, signing their media is an urgent matter.

According to Professor Geetti Ara Nasrin, more time is needed to reduce the time spent in the digital world to create an alternative to retirement. They are making sports less, or reading books less, the internet does not have to be guilty of this. If you develop a habit of reading books, they will also read e-books on the Internet. Or they may not be so screen-dependent if they have the scope and scope of the game. Therefore, young people should also consider creating opportunities for healthy and constructive retirement for overall mental and physical development.

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